What Song Played in an Office Space Printer Scene

In the movie Office Space, there is a scene where the printer is jamming and the characters are trying to fix it. The song that plays in this scene is “Still” by Geto Boys.

If you’ve ever seen the movie Office Space, you know the scene where Michael Bolton’s character is trying to print out a document and the printer just keeps jamming. As he’s struggling with it, the song “Take This Job and Shove It” starts playing. It’s a hilarious scene, but it also perfectly captures the feeling of frustration that many of us have felt at our jobs at one time or another.

And who knows, maybe there are some people out there who have actually had this happen to them in real life! Either way, it’s a great scene from a classic movie, and it always gets a chuckle out of me every time I watch it.

What Song Played in an Office Space Printer Scene

Credit: www.wsj.com

What Song is Used in the Office Space Printer Scene?

The Office Space printer scene is set to the song “Still” by Geto Boys. The song plays as Peter Gibbons (played by Ron Livingston) destroys a printer with a baseball bat. The Geto Boys are an American hip-hop group from Houston, Texas.

The group was formed in 1986 and originally consisted of rappers Brad Jordan (Scarface), Willie D., and DJ Ready Red. The group’s debut album, Making Trouble, was released in 1988 on Rap-A-Lot Records. “Still” is taken from the group’s second album, Grip It!

On That Other Level, which was released in 1989.

Is the Office Space Printer Scene a Parody?

The Office Space printer scene is a parody of the 1999 cult classic film Office Space. In the scene, the character Michael Bolton (played by Steve Carell) is seen destroying a printer with a baseball bat. The scene has become an internet sensation, with many people creating their versions of it.

The original Office Space movie was a satire of the American workplace. The film followed the characters as they attempted to deal with their mundane jobs and frustrating co-workers. The printer scene was just one of many that highlighted the absurdity of office life.

While the Office Space movie was not necessarily based on real events, it did tap into something many people could relate to. The frustration with office politics and mind-numbing work tasks is something that resonated with viewers. And, in some ways, the movie predicted our current work-from-home culture – although we don’t think anyone was smashing printers back then!

So, while the Office Space printer scene may be a parody, it also speaks to some very real frustrations that people have with their jobs. And, for that reason, it’s become one of the most iconic scenes from the film.

What Rap Song is in Office Space?

In Office Space, the rap song that is playing is “Fuck You” by Dr. Dre. This song is from his album 2001, which was released in 1999. The lyrics of the song are about how he wants to get revenge on someone who has wronged him.

What Movie Do They Smash the Printer?

In the movie Office Space, Peter (played by Ron Livingston) gets frustrated with his printer and eventually takes a baseball bat to it.

What’S the Rap Song at the Beginning of Office Space?

The rap song at the beginning of Office Space is “Get Money” by Junior M.A.F.I.A. The song was released in 1996 and peaked at #32 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.

Geto Boys – Still

Song from Office Space Printer Scene

One of the most memorable scenes from the 1999 cult classic film Office Space is when the characters Milton and Bill Lumbergh infuriate their coworker Peter Gibbons by destroying his printer. The two men take turns smashing the printer with a baseball bat while a distressed Peter looks on, and the whole scene is set to the tune of “Still” by Geto Boys. The song choice for this scene is perfect, as it perfectly captures both the frustration and dark humor of the situation.

“Still” is a haunting track with a slow, menacing beat that makes it feel like something out of a horror movie. The lyrics are also fitting, as they talk about how somebody can be pushed to their breaking point and lash out in anger. This scene has become iconic in pop culture, and it’s thanks in part to its amazing soundtrack.

If you’re a fan of Office Space or just want to hear an awesome song, be sure to check out “Still” by Geto Boys.


In the movie Office Space, there is a scene where two characters are trying to destroy a printer. The song that plays in this scene is “Still” by Geto Boys.