Best Office Chair Accessories

If you are looking to make your office chair more comfortable or stylish, there are a few accessories you can buy. These include cushions, covers, and armrests. You can also buy a footrest to elevate your feet while you work.

If you spend a lot of time at your desk, investing in a good office chair and some accessories can make a big difference in your comfort and productivity.

If you’re looking for ways to make your office chair more comfortable and ergonomic, there are a few accessories you can add. A lumbar support pillow or backrest can help improve your posture and relieve back pain, while a seat cushion can add extra padding and support. You can also find footrests, armrests, and headrests to customize your chair even further.

With the right accessories, your office chair can become the perfect workspace solution for you.

Best Office Chair Accessories


What is the Big Knob Underneath an Office Chair For?

If you’ve ever sat in an office chair, you’ve probably noticed the big knob underneath. But what is it for? The big knob is a tension control.

It’s there to adjust the amount of force required to lean back in the chair. This is important because if the tension is too high, it will be difficult to lean back at all. And if the tension is too low, the chair might feel unstable and like it’s going to tip over backward.

Most people will find that a medium setting works well for them. But it’s always a good idea to experiment with the tension control until you find a setting that feels comfortable for you.

How Can I Make My Office Chair More Supportive?

When you spend most of your day sitting in an office chair, it’s important to make sure that the chair is as supportive as possible. There are a few things you can do to make your office chair more supportive and comfortable:

1. Adjust the height of the chair so that your feet are flat on the floor and your thighs are parallel to the ground.

2. If your chair has armrests, adjust them so that your elbows are at a 90-degree angle when you’re typing or using a mouse.

3. Use a lumbar support pillow or rolled-up towel to support your lower back.

4. Sit up straight with your shoulders back and down, and don’t slouch forward in your seat.

5. Take breaks every 20 minutes or so to walk around and stretch your body.

What Features Should an Office Chair Have?

An office chair should provide good back support, be adjustable to fit a variety of body sizes, and have wheels for mobility. Other features that can be helpful include a comfortable seat, armrests, and lumbar support.

How Do I Add Lumbar Support to My Office Chair?

If you’re looking to add lumbar support to your office chair, there are a few different ways to do so. You can purchase an aftermarket lumbar support cushion that ties or straps onto the back of your chair, or you can look for a chair that already has built-in lumbar support. Additionally, some chairs allow you to adjust the tilt and height of the backrest to better suit your needs.

If you decide to go with an aftermarket lumbar support cushion, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure that the cushion is adjustable so that you can find the perfect level of support for your back. Second, choose a cushion that is made from breathable fabric so that you don’t get too hot while sitting for long periods.

And finally, make sure the cushion is comfortable enough to use for extended periods – you don’t want it to be so firm that it’s uncomfortable, but it also shouldn’t be too soft to provide little support. If you’re looking for a new office chair with built-in lumbar support, there are plenty of options on the market these days. Do some research online or in person at your local office supply store to find a chair that will fit both your budget and your needs.

And remember – even if a particular chair doesn’t have all the bells and whistles (like built-in lumbar support), it can still be comfortable and supportive if used properly (for example, by using an aftermarket lumbar support cushion).

The Best Office Chair Tier List

Chair Accessories for Posture

If you’re looking for ways to improve your posture while sitting, there are a few chair accessories that can help. A lumbar support cushion or backrest can provide extra support for your lower back, helping you to sit up straighter. An ergonomic seat cushion can also help by alleviating pressure on your spine and hips.

And finally, a footrest can help keep your feet and legs in alignment, preventing fatigue and discomfort. When it comes to choosing the right chair accessories for posture, it’s important to consider both comfort and function. You’ll want to choose products that are made from comfortable, breathable materials like memory foam or gel.

And be sure to select products that are adjustable so you can find the perfect fit for your body type and sitting style. With a little trial and error, you’re sure to find the perfect combination of chair accessories to help improve your posture while sitting.

Office Chair Accessories for Back Pain

If you suffer from back pain, you know how difficult it can be to find a comfortable position in your office chair. Several office chair accessories can help make your chair more comfortable and support your back. One option is an ergonomic seat cushion.

These cushions are designed to fit into your office chair and provide extra support for your lower back. They can also help to improve your posture by keeping your spine in alignment. Another accessory that can be helpful for back pain is a lumbar support pillow.

These pillows attach to the back of your chair and provide additional support for your lower back. They can help to keep you from slouching forward in your chair, which can aggravate back pain. If you spend a lot of time sitting in your office chair, consider investing in an adjustable footrest.

This accessory attaches to the bottom of your desk and allows you to prop up your feet while you work. This helps to take some of the pressure off of your lower back and can improve circulation in your legs. Many other office chair accessories can help with back pain, including armrests, headrests, and even massage pads.

By taking the time to find the right accessories for your needs, you can make working at a desk much more comfortable – even if you have chronic back pain.

Dining Chair Accessories

If you’re looking to add a little something extra to your dining room chairs, there are plenty of options out there. From simple chair covers to more elaborate seat cushions, there are plenty of ways to accessorize your dining chairs. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Chair Covers: Chair covers can be a great way to add both style and comfort to your dining chairs. They come in a wide variety of colors and patterns, so you’re sure to find something that matches your existing décor. Plus, they can help protect your chairs from spills and stains.

Seat Cushions: Seat cushions can add an extra layer of comfort to your dining chairs. They come in a variety of sizes and shapes, so you’ll be able to find ones that fit your chairs perfectly. Plus, they’re available in a variety of colors and patterns, so you can easily find ones that match your décor.

Chair Pads: Chair pads are another great way to add comfort and style to your dining room chairs. They attach directly to the chair legs and provide additional cushioning for your guests.

Office Chair Accessories near Me

If you’re like most people, you spend a large majority of your day sitting in an office chair. And if you’re looking to improve your overall health and comfort while working, there are a few key office chair accessories you should consider investing in. Here are a few of our favorite office chair accessories that can help make your workday more comfortable and productive:

1. Lumbar Support: If you suffer from lower back pain, investing in a lumbar support pillow or cushion can make a big difference in your comfort level while sitting. Place the support behind your lower back and allow it to provide gentle pressure and additional support throughout the day.

2. Footrest: If you find yourself constantly shifting in your seat or crossing and uncrossing your legs to find a comfortable position, a footrest may be just what you need. A small footrest placed under your desk will elevate your feet and legs, taking some of the pressure off of your lower back and improving circulation.

3. Wrist Rest: If you type for long periods each day, chances are good that you experience some discomfort in your wrists or forearms. To combat this, try using a wrist rest attached to the edge of your desk or keyboard tray.

This will allow you to keep your wrists in a neutral position while typing, helping to reduce strain and discomfort.


If you’re looking for ways to make your office chair more comfortable and productive, there are a few accessories you can add. A lumbar support pillow can help improve your posture and relieve back pain, while a seat cushion can make sitting for long periods more bearable. You can also invest in an ergonomic mouse and keyboard to reduce wrist strain, and a standing desk converter if you want to be able to stand up and work occasionally throughout the day.

With a few simple additions, you can turn your boring office chair into a comfortable and efficient workspace.